Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I still can't get over how Spiderman took over our lives on Jack's 5th birthday. I did a quick scrapbook page tonight using these two photos Jackson begged me to take:

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Happy Birthday to Jack!

Jackson is FIVE!! He started the big day with his gift from mom & dad- a Gameboy! He figured it out really quickly and didn't want to put it down.

His party was a grand slam! I think he went into over-stimulated mode. He had a couple of major fits during the day- especially when he realized he wasn't going to be the one to crack open the pinata.

It was a great day. Lots of friends, family, food, and gifts. I'm pretty sure he got every Spiderman toy there is- he was a happy birthday boy! Four days later, I'm still recovering from exhaustion!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

My little brother

My baby brother, Drew is all grown up. It's the end of his senior year, and I can't believe it. Since he's much too "cool" to have senior pictures made, my mom and I talked him into a little photo-shoot with sis. I got lots of great shots of him- this is just one unedited favorite of mine. I'm going to have to spend some time in photoshop with these considering he had two large hickies (how do you even spell that word?) on either side of his neck. I love my brother and I'm so proud of him. I know he's going to be an amazing man!
Designed by Lena Graphics by Elie Lash