Jon's been super busy at work. I think he needs a vacation.
Jackson's doing well in school. He's finally getting the hang of spelling tests, I think. His daily homework takes about 30 to 45 minutes- depending on how focused he is. We found a new motivational tool for him this week when Jon broke down and bought him his first set of Pokemon cards. I was really hoping we could somehow miraculously skip that strange rite of passage. No luck. He loves them.
Made polka dot pumpkins to finish off my Halloween decor. Got the idea here. I don't want to fool anyone into thinking that I have any fabulous original ideas or anything:-).
Moved my ferns into the house and replanted my urns. Jon and I also did a lot of work in the front flower beds.
Still have pansies to plant & I should really paint those faded shutters. I love fall!
Hung some fabulous new artwork.
Cooked two nights this week- spaghetti & meat loaf. Had lots of leftovers.
Spent $580 at the dentist on Monday.
Worked a contract job on Tuesday & took Jackson to a musical- Planet Funk.
Wished my mom a happy 52nd birthday on Thursday. Had lunch at a fabulous chinese bistro I've never been to.
Went to a costume party on Saturday. I have decided not to post those pictures. They are much too scary.
Posted on my blog for the first time in four months. What a week!
I'm so happy to see that you actually made one of the projects we looked at while I was there! I am doing the same project for SB's bday pumpkins. You are too crafty girl!
I *LOVE* the black and white pumpkins!! Your house is so cute! Glad you posted the link to your blog on facebook. :) I blog too...
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