Monday, November 10, 2008

A week without pictures

It was a busy week in our lives. I didn't get the camera out at all, unfortunately.

Jon and I have been battling cold-like symptoms.

I worked two jobs Tuesday & Wednesday.

Had an election night get-together. I misplaced my usual recipe, so I made this baked potato soup, which turned out very yummy.

Procrastinating the painting of my bedroom and the organizing of my closet...Maybe this week?

Bought Jackson's main Christmas present.

Jon's band rehearsed on Thursday evening while I started packing for the weekend.

Have been praying a lot for close friends and my uncle Roger, all in various stages of cancer.

Had a wonderful weekend with friends on a camping/ hunting trip.

Brushing up on my knitting after almost a year without practice- love to knit in the cold weather months!

Jackson got a flu shot today. Jon made chicken fried deer steak for dinner. We spent the evening watching Kung Fu Panda together.

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