Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Friendly Christmastime Competition

We had a great time this week hosting and WINNING our first ever gingerbread house decorating contest. Here's the proof:

Out of the blue, Jackson decided to name our team: "Jingle Smells". I know this sounds like it had some influence from Jon, but I was there, and I swear it was all Jackson.

Here's our competition: (they couldn't decide on a team name) John, Chase & Jack

"Ho's on the go" was a late entry from our neighbor, Tim:

Chase & Jackson eagerly awaiting the big event: (yes, they stuffed their faces full of sugar for two hours straight)

Table O' Sugar: (before)

Table O' Sugar: (after)

P.S. There were actually no winners.
P.S.S. Team Jingle Smells ROCKS!

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