Monday, November 3, 2008

The week that lasted a month...

So, last week was a seriously long one! Started out with Jackson staying awake most of Sunday night. He stayed home from school on Monday due to lack of sleep. We stayed in our pj's all day long. He rested and played on the computer.

Jon and I refinished our soon-to-be, new hand-me-down KING sized bed on Tuesday. It was my first time applying wood stain and I loved it. Can't wait to find something else to stain! (I'll post a picture when we get it all put together).

Jackson continued to have trouble staying asleep throughout the week. On Thursday, I called the doctor out of sleep-deprived desperation. The things I was worried about were all ruled out, and we came to the conclusion that Jackson is freakishly scared of a Goosebumps character he saw on a television commercial. We came up with a special prayer that he now says everynight, asking God to make sure Grandpa Chuck and Mammaw will watch over him while he sleeps. He has done MUCH better- still waking once or twice, but going back to sleep. Thank you Mammaw & Grandpa Chuck!!!

On Friday, I went with Jackson on the first grade field trip to the zoo. (I won't be posting photos of the kids since the school name is on the shirts & I don't have the other parents' permission). It was a wonderful day to visit our fine zoo.

Can you believe the color? I had to stop and take a deep breath.

After the zoo, Jack and I both napped for awhile. When daddy got home, it was pumpkin carving time.

Then we all got into costume for a ride around the neighborhood in our brand-new toy with good friends.

Jackson aka"Ironman" had a blast trick-or-treating his way around the neighborhood and over to his grandmother's house, where we spent the rest of the evening eating chili dogs and treats.

Saturday was the last of the fall festivals and an evening with friends. Sunday was church, mexican food, and football.

Here's to another great week and a little more sleep!

Edited to add: I almost forgot this week's favorite project! I had an OLD flea market cabinet holding my cookbooks in a corner of my dining area. It was great in my old house, but never quite worked for me here. So, I took this Target bookcase out of my craft/music/game room and accessorized it. I love the result- especially my transplanted parsley that is actually really enjoying being indoors. Gotta love a free project!

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